Our social content managers are skilled content writers who are strategically focused and analytically savvy. We’re adept at executing your brand voice and tone, working within brand style guides and optimizing your organic social media and blog content to get results.

We work every day to plan, develop, publish, monitor and improve your content.

And we love every minute.

Our approach to social media content writing services makes us a natural extension of your team, not only because of what we know and do but also because of who we are. We take your success personally and are incredibly passionate about the many ways organic social media and blog can help you reach your goals.

Meet your new SME!

Since our social content managers already know your industry, we’re able to get up to speed quickly on your business. We take pride in customizing our social media content writing services for your organization and in becoming experts in your specific niche, including its opportunities, challenges and competitive landscape. No niche is too small.

Our team has experience in content marketing for organizations in finance, healthcare, and academia – this industry-specific expertise is rare and makes Media Logic an invaluable content marketing partner.

According to a recent industry report, “The top challenge for B2B marketers who outsource is finding partners with adequate topical expertise (65%).”

SOURCE: B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends – Insights for 2022

Say hi to the team!

Our team includes a Division I bowler, a spelling bee champ, an equestrian, a poet and a yogi. Take a moment to see what we’re passionate about – including what we love about content marketing and the specific skills we nurture to stay at the top of our game.


Director of Social Content Management

Jen loves to take long walks and work in her flower garden. She works best with deadlines and too much on her plate. Her greatest joy (and biggest stressor) is raising three strong, smart daughters.

Favorite social platform:
Blogging! I love that a great blog is both art (great storytelling) and science (SEO skill).

Most meaningful content stat:
When Google started in 1998, it averaged 10,000 daily searches. Today, there are 63,000 search queries every second. (SOURCE: HubSpot)

Go-to social media tip:
Provide value and be authentic.

Writer’s block fix:
I take long walks outside or sleep it off!

Marketing is no longer about the stuff you make, but the stories you tell.
(Seth Godin)

Carolee Bennett


Assistant Director of Social Content Marketing

Carolee is a vegetarian, poet and visual artist, who loves to fully unplug and go backpacking in the Adirondacks. Her happy places are breweries and beaches and she’s on a spiritual quest to stop murdering houseplants.

Favorite social platform:
Instagram, where it’s all about passion, connection and creativity! Even though the platform is about much more than pictures, it still has the best photography and encourages me to notice and document the beauty in my own life.

Most meaningful content stat:
72% of marketers report relevant content creation is the most effective SEO tactic. (SOURCE: LinkedIn)

Go-to social media tip:
Add value and express your distinct personality.

Writer’s block fix:
I take several deep breaths and press shuffle on a playlist of yoga/meditation-style instrumental music.

Serious art is born from serious play.
(Julia Cameron, The Artist's Way)


Social Content Manager

As a lifelong equestrian, Lindsay spends most of her spare time at the barn. She grew up on an island off the coast of Georgia and has lived in eight states. She has conquered a fear of butterflies but is powerless to resist donuts and chicken biscuits.

Favorite social platform:
I love Instagram for the lifestyle element and escapism it offers. I love being able to peep in on what different, interesting things people are doing. I want to hear about Bridget’s favorite moisturizer and that cake recipe Susan used for her son’s birthday.

Most meaningful content stat:
Instagram users are hungry for the merch: 83% of its users utilize the platform to discover new products and services! (SOURCE: StatusBrew)

Go-to social media tip:
There isn’t a standard formula for success on social media— one size absolutely does not fit all. It’s key to listen to your audiences on different platforms, dig into the analytics and give them more of what they respond to.

Writer’s block fix:
I over-caffeinate, scoot to a fresh location and get my fingers moving on the keyboard. Starting is the hardest part. Once I have the momentum, I’m usually rocking and rolling!

I love writing. I love the swirl and swing of words as they tangle with human emotions.
(James A. Michener)


Social Content Marketing Coordinator

A DI athlete, Sam has bowled an 800 three-game series, which is like rolling a 300 but slightly more difficult. She’s also a championship softball player, who (not so) secretly aspires to coach a tee-ball team. Her favorite place is Citi Field watching the Mets.

Favorite social platform:
LinkedIn! Valuable information is readily available in so many forms – courses, webinars, guides, videos and more. The “laugh” reaction works in some comic relief, which is a must!

Most meaningful content stat:
Social media users have an average of 7.6 accounts and spend an average of 142 minutes on social media every day. (SOURCE: Brandwatch)

Go-to social media tip:
Pay attention to what you’re posting and think about how it impacts your audience. Social posts don’t have a long “shelf life,” but you want to make sure your content is memorable… in a good way!

Writer’s block fix:
Reading resets my brain. If I can’t think of what to write, it’s best to shut my brain off and reading lets me do that. I also will seek other relaxing distractions, like going on a walk or petting my cat (readily accessible since she follows me everywhere).

Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.
(Anton Chekhov)